The Maharashtra government had initially allowed 25 per cent crowds at all the four venues – Wankhede stadium, Brabourne stadium in Mumbai, DY Patil stadium in Navi Mumbai and Maharashtra Cricket Association stadium in Gahunje in Pune.
IPL’s ticketing partner BookMyShow on Friday said that audience capacity for the current season has been increased to 50 per cent from April 6.
The Maharashtra government had initially allowed 25 per cent crowds at all the four venues – Wankhede stadium, Brabourne stadium in Mumbai, DY Patil stadium in Navi Mumbai and Maharashtra Cricket Association stadium in Gahunje in Pune.
“Ticket sales for the next set of matches are live even as the BCCI has announced an increase in stadium occupancy to 50%, which was earlier capped at 25% thereby extending the opportunity for many more fans across India and beyond to experience the IPL action live in the stadia,” BookMyShow claimed in a media release.
The Maharashtra government had on Thursday decided to do away with all the COVID restrictions, from April 2 in the entire state.Â
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